Machine learning: 0. Introduction

Goals and focus of Math 2805 #

Machine learning is a vast discipline that draws from and informs a large number of fields of study. In attempts to work with data and make accurate predictions about the future, machine learning has developed a large number of tools and models. It would be easy to structure a class, each day describing a new and different approach, and only scratching the surface of this subject. For instance, here are some examples of machine learning models:

Linear and polynomial regression (Legendre, 1805 and Gauss, 1809)
Image source unknown

The perceptron (Rosenblatt, 1958)
Image by author

Decision tree
Image by Prince Yadav

Random forest (Tin Kam Ho, 1995)
Image from

Support vector machine (Vapnik, 1995)
Image by Larhmam

Kernel methods
Image by Drew Wilimitis

Neural networks (McCulloch and Pitts, 1943)
Image by Ravindra Parmar

Autoencoder (Hinton et al, 1985)
Image by Chervinskii

Recurrent neural networks (Rumelhart, 1986)
Image by Christopher Olah

Long Short Term Memory networks (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997)
Image by Christopher Olah

Convolutional neural networks (Homma et al, 1988)
Image by Sumit Saha

Transformer (Vasvani et al, 2017)
Image from arxiv:1706.03762

In Math 2805, I will emphasize the contributions of three subfields of mathematics in the machine learning conversation: analysis, linear algebra, and optimization.

Analysis #

Analysis informs machine learning in two fundamental ways, allowing us to address the following questions:

  • Expressibility: Is the proposed model rich enough to accomplish the task at hand?
  • Convergence of models: Does a proposed method, or algorithm, of iteratively finding a specific instance of a model converge?

Linear algebra #

Linear algebra forms the computational backbone of machine learning. Our modus operandi will be to rephrase diverse machine learning models in the language of linear algebra and then exploit the underlying theory to further our data-centered goals. It is amazing how often we will be able to do this.

Optimization #

Our approach will often be phrased in terms of minimizing predictive error of our models. We will take advantage of a rich set of tools developed in optimization and multilinear calculus.

Because machine learning is such a large field, there are many ways one can structure a course in the subject, and many different goals one can have in mind. As best as I can enunciate it, this is my goal for the class:

Goal: Machine learning techniques evolve rapidly. My goal for this course is not to simply describe the many existing models and machine learning tools in turn, but to provide the perspective and tools with which new ones can be analyzed and developed new. To be fair, we will see and use a number of machine learning techniques and apply them to analyze data, but this will be done to serve this, perhaps more ambitious, goal.

Examples #

Machine learning falls into three broad categories: supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. The course focuses on the first two. Below are some examples of problems from each of the categories; we will study them all in much greater detail at some point in the semester.

Supervised learning #

Face recognition: Given an image of a face, identify its owner. Do this in an accurate and unbiased way.

CelebA dataset

Character recognition: Identify a handwritten digit. This is perhaps the most classical machine learning image problem dating back to the US Postal Service’s effort to automate ZIP code sorting.

Handwritten digits
MNIST dataset

Unsupervised learning #

Species identification: Given a collection of related flowers and a set of physical measurements for each individual, identify the number of subspecies present in your sample.

Iris dataset
R.A. Fisher

Irises clustered by features
R.A. Fisher

Movie taste clusters: Identify taste clusters among Netflix users and use them to make suggestions for future viewing.

Netflix viewing clusters

Netflix taste clusters

Basketball positions: Identify the “hidden” positions on a sports team.

Hidden basketball positions
Muthu Alagappan

Reinforcement learning #

Recommendation systems: Analyze consumer behavior, make product recommendations, and adjust marketing strategy based on consumer response.

Reinforcement learning workflow